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McDo Nice Ganda Sequel: A Sneak Peek into the Surprise Collab!

McDonald's Philippines is back at it, flipping the fast-food script with a follow-up to the "Nice Ganda" Chicken McDo TVC that got everyone talking. If you've been living under a digital rock, let me catch you up – on October 27, 2023, McDo dropped a TV commercial featuring the one and only Vice Ganda, and oh boy, did it take social media by storm.

Vice Ganda brought the "Nice Ganda" vibe, making us all crave some Chicken McDo goodness. I mean, who wouldn't want to sink their teeth into that crispy, flavorful goodness while enjoying Vice Ganda's infectious energy?

Now, hold onto your nuggets because McDo is adding an extra sprinkle of surprise to the mix! On November 26, 2023, they slyly teased on Facebook that the "Nice Ganda" saga is getting a sequel, and this time, it's not a solo act. Nope, it's a full-blown collab, and they're keeping the second artist a juicy secret.

McDo Philippines Nice Ganda Collab
Who do you think will Vice Ganda collaborate with for the new Chicken McDo TVC?

Picture this: Vice Ganda teaming up with another mystery artist. Can you even handle the excitement? We're all on the edge of our seats, wondering who the surprise guest star might be. The social media speculation is wild, with fans throwing out guesses faster than you can say "McNuggets."

But here's the kicker – the big reveal is just around the corner! According to the insider info straight from McDo's Facebook, the new TV ad is set to drop on November 27, 2023. So, McDo fans, set a reminder on your phone because you won't want to miss this.

McDo has turned the sequel announcement into a virtual event, and the hype is real. They've got us all feeling like we're in on the coolest secret, and we're here for it.

The best part? It's not just about the chicken – it's about the experience. McDonald's is tapping into the power of surprise and social media buzz, creating a community of fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter of the "Nice Ganda" saga.

McDo Philippines Nice Ganda Collab
The hands of the surprise artist have already been shown in this teaser photo feature Vice Ganda and a box of Chicken McDo! The caption says, "Bukas, may Christmas Tambalan."

So, if you're a fan of delicious surprises and the unbeatable combo of Vice Ganda and Chicken McDo, watch out on November 27th. Whether you're a midnight snack warrior or a daytime muncher, this surprise collab is bound to bring the "Nice Ganda" magic to your screen.

Get ready to hit play, savor the flavor, and join the McDo party – because this sequel is shaping up to be one for the fast-food history books. Stay tuned, McDo enthusiasts, because it's about to get Nice Ganda all over again! 🍟🎉

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